The Beginning and The End

Last week, we had a meeting which drew the beginning of Georgia’s speech history at Varsity and the end of Vicky’s novice speech giving.

Georgia gave a great speech of herself (tradition of any Icebreaker) and Vicky gave a meaningful and moving speech about her struggle with Geiteskrankheit.

The end marks a new beginning, so Varsity would like to congratulate:


for completing her CC manual and earning the title of Competent Communicator.

As some of you may know, Kaala (our VP-Ed) has fled our country and will not be back till July, thus a survival of the fittest election took place to determine who will take her place as the temporary VP-Ed. Swords were drawn and blood was shed, and from it came the victor.

Varsity would like to congratulate the new temp. VP-Ed:


A lot of congratulations for one night. So if you have missed the night, then please congratulate the two on their achievements as well as cry over the fact that you have missed out on Swiss chocolate and Polish fudge.